Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Investigation of possibility to create an open LLVM-based Ada compiler [rejected]

This is a closed project. The purpose of this post was to collect as much as possible information about LLVM, Ada compilers and possible people to contact and organizations who can provide some help.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

[PreGSoC 2017] Make a port of RTEMS for HiFive1

The purpose of this post is to provide all available sources of information for everyone who is interested in my GSoC 2017 project "Utilizing full power from HiFive1 via usage of RTEMS on top of Freedom E310-G000 cores". Also, in this post other things will be described, such as the current state, available repositories and toolchains, plans for further involvement. 

Saturday, 6 May 2017

First steps with stm32l152. SPI handling with LCD 5110 display.

One of the most interesting parts of embedded programming is a work with graphic displays. Some of them are easy to manage, others require special tricks. The objective of this post is to show how to use the simplest and famous display – Nokia 5110 LCD. Also, it will be demonstrated how to use SPI in an unidirectional master mode.